
The MSC technique for evaluation

The highlight of the placement has been collecting the most significant impact stories. The reason I refer to it as most significant impact, rather than most significant change (MSC) is because I believe that change takes place over time. In this instance, I was keen to understand the immediate impact of the learning festivals in…

The Event is here!

The Global Learning Festival is here! Are you in Melbourne? Have you reached a point that you make peace with stage 4 lockdown and love it? I have come to appreciate the quiet moments that the lockdown has given me. I hope that you are okay from wherever you are reading this from. The placement…

Journey to IDR1

14 September, 2020. I had always known that I would do a project for my IDR, but what I did not know was the complexities involved in getting organizations to sign the agreement with the university. I was keen to do my project at  organization X (the organization’s identity will remain anonymous), who needed to…

About me…

I am from the sunny part of the world, Kenya, where it is summer all year round. I am currently in Melbourne undertaking postgraduate studies in International Development at RMIT University. lets start the learning safari! Hellen

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